


Create a bustling 2D illustration of an architectural bazaar that spans across different historical eras. Imagine a single city square where each corner showcases a distinct architectural style from various time periods. Incorporate whimsical details like time-traveling portals and futuristic elements interacting with classic architecture, resulting in a captivating blend of past, present, and future. 


创建跨越不同历史时代的建筑集市的熙熙攘攘的 2D 插图。 想象一下一个城市广场,每个角落都展示了不同时期的独特建筑风格。 融入异想天开的细节,如时间旅行门户和与经典建筑相互作用的未来元素,形成过去、现在和未来的迷人融合。


以上关键词在midjourney, stable diffusion, dall等AI绘画工具基本是通用的