


1. 有序对称的单层商店平面图

an example with a floor plan and furniture, in the style of botanical abundance, orderly symmetry, jon j muth, modular construction, dmitry spiros, thomas heatherwick, villagecore
以植物丰富、有序对称为风格的单层商店平面图,结合了Jon J Muth、模块化建筑、Dmitry Spiros、Thomas Heatherwick、Villagecore的风格
拆分标签:植物丰富 | 有序对称 | 模块化建筑 | 精密艺术 | 乡村核心 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


2. 趣味视觉的商店平面图

one store’s floor plan, in the style of playful visual, botanical abundance, realistic, detailed rendering, puzzle-like pieces, precisionist art, tabletop photography, neo-classical symmetry
拆分标签:趣味视觉 | 植物丰富 | 真实详细渲染 | 拼图感 | 精密艺术 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


3. 精心打造的两卧室公寓平面布局

2 bedroom apartment layout, in the style of alex prager, petros afshar, realistic hyper-detailed rendering, earth tones, kintsugi, meticulously crafted scenes, sony alpha a7 iii
Alex Prager风格的两卧室公寓布局,结合Petros Afshar的风格,超真实细致渲染、土地色调、金継ぎ、精心打造的场景、Sony Alpha A7 III
拆分标签:Alex Prager风格 | Petros Afshar风格 | 超真实细致渲染 | 土地色调 | 金継ぎ | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


4. 超现实水景风格的小公寓平面图

a plan of a small apartment showing the bedroom, living room, and kitchen, in the style of hyper-realistic water, dark white and light amber, aerial photography, tranquil gardenscapes, muted hues, space age, high resolution
拆分标签:超现实水景 | 空中摄影 | 宁静园景 | 太空时代 | 高分辨率 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


5. 塔楼中小公寓平面图

a floor plan of a small apartment in a tower, in the style of realistic hyper-detailed rendering, muted hues, dark white and light amber, aerial view, everyday life depiction, solarization, tranquil gardenscapes
拆分标签:超真实细致渲染 | 柔和色调 | 空中视图 | 太阳化 | 宁静园景 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


6. 明亮通风两卧室公寓的3D平面图

3d floor plan of 2 bedroom apartment, in the style of dark sky-blue and light indigo, light and airy, moosa al halyan, enigmatic tropics, realistic, detailed rendering, packed with hidden details, tranquil gardenscapes
两卧室公寓的3D平面图,采用深天蓝和浅靛蓝的风格,明亮通风,Moosa Al Halyan风格,神秘热带风光,超真实细致渲染,充满隐藏细节,宁静园景
拆分标签:深天蓝和浅靛蓝 | 明亮通风 | Moosa Al Halyan风格 | 超真实细致渲染 | 宁静园景 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


7. 丰富多彩的各住宅区域的顶视图

a top view showing the various living space area by house, in the style of colorful animation stills, stark realism, 32k uhd, vintage atmosphere, multilayered dimensions, mid-century, orientalist influence
以丰富多彩的动画画面风格展示各住宅区域的顶视图,鲜明的写实感,32K UHD,复古氛围,多层次维度,中世纪,东方主义影响
拆分标签:动画画面 | 写实感 | 32K UHD | 复古氛围 | 东方主义影响 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


8. 两房两卫开放式公寓平面图

a plan of an apartment with two rooms, two bathrooms and an open floor plan, in the style of colorful kitsch, 32k uhd, aerial photography, mid-century, contemporary middle eastern and north african art, delicately rendered landscapes, multilayered dimensions
两房两卫开放式公寓平面图,采用丰富多彩的庸俗艺术风格,32K UHD,空中摄影,中世纪,当代中东和北非艺术,精致呈现的风景,多层次维度
拆分标签:庸俗艺术 | 32K UHD | 空中摄影 | 中世纪 | 当代中东和北非艺术 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


9. 古典对称3D室内平面图

a 3d image of a floor plan with chairs, tables and desks, in the style of puzzling compositions, classical symmetry, light brown and light amber, layered veneer panels, photorealistic pastiche, lively tableaus, modular design
拆分标签:谜一般的构图 | 古典对称 | 浅褐和浅琥珀 | 分层镶板 | 模块化设计 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


10. 典型城市景观风格的小屋布局

layout of a typical cottage, with wooden tables and chairs and green plants, in the style of hyperrealistic cityscapes, puzzle-like elements, industrial chic, orientalist influences, aerial photography, ferrania p30, quadratura
典型小屋布局,带有木桌椅和绿植,采用超现实城市景观风格,拼图样式元素,工业时尚,东方主义影响,空中摄影,Ferrania P30,Quadratura
拆分标签:超现实城市景观 | 拼图样式 | 工业时尚 | 东方主义影响 | 空中摄影 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


11. 免费下载的3D公寓布局

3d apartment layout free download, in the style of neo-classical symmetry, dark gray and light gold, 8k resolution, john chamberlain, ultra realistic, realistic
免费下载的3D公寓布局,采用新古典对称的风格,深灰和浅金,8K分辨率,John Chamberlain,超现实细致渲染,真实感
拆分标签:新古典对称 | 深灰和浅金 | 8K分辨率 | 超现实细致渲染 | 真实感 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


12. 花园公寓住宅的航拍视图,禅意宁静

an aerial view of the garden apartment residence, in the style of realistic interiors, light brown and green, textural layers, detailed foliage, light-filled interiors, multilayered dimensions, zen-like tranquility
拆分标签:真实室内 | 浅褐和绿色 | 质感层次 | 多层次维度 | 禅意宁静 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


13. 宁静园景居住环境的3D平面图

3d floor plan of a residential living environment, in the style of highly detailed foliage, jean nouvel, earthy palettes, tranquil gardenscapes, , high-angle, light brown and emerald
居住环境的3D平面图,采用高度细致的植物风格,Jean Nouvel,土地色调,宁静园景,高角度,浅褐和翠绿
拆分标签:高度细致的植物 | Jean Nouvel | 土地色调 | 宁静园景 | 高角度 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


14. 柔和梦幻氛围现代公寓平面图

floor plan of a modern apartment with yellow furniture, in the style of hyper-realistic sci-fi, dark themes, rtx on, two dimensional, birds-eye-view, soft and dreamy atmosphere
拆分标签:超现实科幻 | 暗色调 | RTX启用 | 二维 | 柔和梦幻氛围 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


15. 拼图构建的体育场

a stadium made of many pieces of puzzle, in the style of kadir nelson, traditional vietnamese, jon j muth, spatial planes, canaletto, tondo, symmetrical arrangement
拼图构建的体育场,风格为Kadir Nelson,传统越南,Jon J Muth,空间平面,卡纳莱托,圆形,对称布置
拆分标签:Kadir Nelson风格 | 传统越南 | Jon J Muth风格 | 空间平面 | 卡纳莱托 | 对称布置 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计

16. 建筑时尚室内景观

the view inside a room, in the style of symmetrical compositions, studyplace, hyperrealistic rendering, kestutis kasparavicius, aerial view, architectural chic, associated press photo
室内景观,采用对称构图的风格,学习空间,超现实渲染,Kestutis Kasparavicius,空中视图,建筑时尚,美联社照片
拆分标签:对称构图 | 学习空间 | 超现实渲染 | Kestutis Kasparavicius | 建筑时尚 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


17. 二维办公室艺术

2d office art, in the style of design/architecture study, dark orange and light beige, aerial view, luxurious interiors, multiple perspectives, associated press photo, spatialism
拆分标签:设计/建筑研究 | 深橙和浅米色 | 空中视图 | 豪华室内 | 空间主义 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


18. 大房子的平面图

the floor plan from a large house, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, earthy colors, botanical abundance, rustic realism, 2d game art, afro-colombian themes, ferrania p30
大房子的平面图,采用超现实插图的风格,土色调,植物丰富,乡村写实,2D游戏艺术,非洲哥伦比亚主题,Ferrania P30
拆分标签:超现实插图 | 土色调 | 植物丰富 | 乡村写实 | 2D游戏艺术 | 非洲哥伦比亚主题 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


19. 游泳池设计平面图

swimming pool design floor plan, in the style of three-dimensional, fragmented advertising, australian tonalism, highly detailed foliage, high resolution, wood
拆分标签:三维 | 碎片化广告 | 澳大利亚色调主义 | 高度细致的植物 | 高分辨率 | 建筑设计 | 室内设计


建筑设计 | 室内设计