


Generate a captivating 2D digital art piece that combines the elegance of origami with a dynamic city skyline. Visualize a cityscape where buildings are formed from beautifully folded paper-like structures, standing against a backdrop of shifting clouds and colors. Incorporate a mix of geometric precision and flowing lines, showcasing the harmony between architectural rigidity and artistic fluidity. Use lighting effects to create a dreamy ambiance that transports the viewer into a world where paper comes to life.


生成迷人的 2D 数字艺术作品,将折纸的优雅与动态的城市天际线相结合。 想象一下城市景观,其中建筑物由精美折叠的纸状结构组成,矗立在不断变化的云朵和颜色的背景下。 融合几何精度和流畅线条,展现建筑刚性与艺术流动性之间的和谐。 使用灯光效果营造梦幻氛围,将观看者带入纸张栩栩如生的世界。