


Create a photo-realistic portrait of an astronaut floating in space with the Earth in the background. Use the Sony α7 III camera with a 200mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to blur the background and isolate the subject. The lighting should be dramatic and dreamlike with the sun shining on the astronaut’s face and spacesuit.


创建一张漂浮在太空中、以地球为背景的宇航员的逼真肖像。 使用配备 200mm 镜头、F 1.2 光圈设置的索尼 α7 III 相机来模糊背景并隔离主体。 灯光应该是戏剧性的、梦幻般的,阳光照射在宇航员的脸上和宇航服上。