
A super fat orange cute cat wearing yellow overalls is sitting on the street with super chubby body, crying with tears streaming down its face. Next to it stands an old bicycle, The scene has been created using C4D OC renderer with cinematic lighting. It showcases a super realistic effect, with high resolution, detailed textures, and vivid colors in the style of a cinematic scene.
一只穿着黄色工装裤的超胖橘色可爱猫坐在街头,身体非常肥胖,泪流满面地哭泣。旁边是一辆旧自行车。该场景采用C4D OC渲染器和电影般的照明创建。它展示了超级逼真的效果,高分辨率、详细的纹理和生动的颜色,以电影场景的风格呈现。

拆分标签:哭泣 | 工装裤 | 自行车 | 逼真 | 电影场景

以上关键词在midjourney, stable diffusion, dalle等作图工具基本是通用的。